3K+ Articles Generated From These ChatGPT Prompts (Part 2 – Content Writing At It’s Finest)

Since I kicked off this series with Part 1 back in November 2023, it’s only fitting that I press on with Part 2, right?

Can’t leave you hanging!

In this Part 2 installment of ChatGPT prompts, we’re diving into a few prompts (okay, mainly just one) that my team and I used to churn out a mountain of content last year.

We’ll also touch on a variation of this approach and a nifty little prompt for fixing grammar and punctuation errors.


A prompt is only as effective as the person using it – so use these prompts responsibly. Run them as provided, and don’t simply copy the response without reviewing and adapting it to your style and tone.

Additionally, if you have any prompts you’d like to share, feel free to do so in the comments section.

Now, let’s dive in!

My Massive 700+ Word Prompt Is Revealed Below!

When I first started dabbling with ChatGPT, the constant rewriting and pasting of prompts drove me up the wall. So, I concocted a super long prompt for my writers and I to use and get the job done in one go.

This prompt was born in the dark ages, way before the fancy features like file uploads and plugins came along. While some parts of the prompt might still hold up, I’d suggest taking it with a grain of salt and tweaking it as you see fit.


I need to automate you, so please listen very carefully to my instructions and follow along closely. Don’t say anything else other than what I tell you to. Only follow the If statements that I have placed below. Do nothing else.

If you understand these instructions, please say “Provide me with your keyword”. Once you receive my keyword, ask me which Section you should follow next. When I give you the section letter, only follow that specific section.

Section A:

I need you to give me an outline based on the keyword I just gave you. Give me a catchy title and provide clear sections with subsections and expand subsections to make this outline more detailed. Format this outline using markdown for section headings and bullets and sub-bullets for sub-sections. Don’t give me any paragraph summaries. Only give me headings and bullet points.

Always remember that this recipe is for family meal prep recipes. only give me outline for introduction and conclusion

Section B:

I need to make sure you understand the outline that you have just posted above. Don’t respond with your take on each part of the outline. Instead, give me a short summary of the piece as a whole so I know you’ve understood this outline.

Section C:

Create an introduction where the first paragraph contains the keyword phrase on the first sentence. Make it more personal in tone, and write it in the first person narrative. Write 150 words only.

Section D:

Break the outline up into the sections you’ve created, and write me the first section of the blog post in an informal and natural style of writing. Use conversational language and words that are relatable to the readers. Use a voice that is helpful and informative, and adopt a tone that is friendly and approachable, with a touch of excitement and enthusiasm. The text should be helpful and insightful, backing up points with evidence where possible. Expand each part of the outline to create a detailed section.

Use these strategies:

– Write in the first person narrative

– Use examples with phrases like “Personally, I” or “For example, I” to help illustrate examples to the reader. Use an example for every bullet point.

– Avoid unclear antecedents at the start of a sentence

– Back up main points with evidence and examples

– Use real world examples about meal prepping to relate to the user

– Break down and expand on points to create a richer longer-form piece of content

– Don’t repeat phrases

– Format your output using markdown.

Section E:

Write the next section of the blog post that you haven’t wrote yet in an informal and natural style of writing. Use conversational language and words that are relatable to the readers. Use a voice that is helpful and informative, and adopt a tone that is 30 yrs old bubbly lady who is friendly and approachable, with a touch of excitement and enthusiasm. The text should be helpful and insightful, backing up points with evidence where possible. Expand each part of the outline to create a detailed section.

Use these strategies:

– Avoid unclear antecedents at the start of a sentence

– Write in the first person narrative

-do not self-reference regarding your age

– Use examples with phrases like “Personally, I” or “For example, I” to help illustrate examples to the reader

– Back up main points with evidence and examples

– Use real world examples to relate to the user

– Break down and expand on points to create a richer longer-form piece of content

– Don’t repeat phrases

– Format your output using markdown.

After you have written the next section, wait for me to say continue.

If I say continue, write the next section by following everything in Section E. Repeat this until all sections are written. Ask me which section you should follow next.

Section F:

Create a conclusion with Catchy Title and Call to action (CTA). In the CTA, explain how the free meal prep plan will help them:

– make sure to have multiple paragraphs and in the first person narrative.

-do not use the word “congratulations”

-write in an informative and engaging tone

-Write 150 words only

Section G:

Give me 5 catchy titles for the article generated. by following these guidelines

– always put main keyword towards the front of the main title

– don’t repeat keyword

– be engaging and descriptive

– maximum of 65 characters only

Section H:

Create me a Meta Title and Meta Description. by following these guidelines

– limit it to 160 characters only

– add the keywords to get highlighted

– be engaging

– leave a cliffhanger

When Section H is written, say “Your Output Has Been Generated!”

Share Link: https://chat.openai.com/share/663ceca2-6788-4d21-870f-b8c06e7e4986

How it was used: The initial version of this prompt was a maze of conditional statements (IF this, THEN that), which I then broke down into sections.

Essentially, you just paste the prompt, and ChatGPT guides you through the sections you want to tackle next. Each section handles a specific task, like crafting a CTA, an introduction, or writing the content.

This setup allowed my writers to quickly draft rough copies, enabling them to publish around four articles a day.

Highlights: The ability to have ChatGPT prompt you with what to do next is a game-changer. You can easily hop between sections, skipping what you don’t need (like jumping straight to section F or G). Something to ponder for future endeavors.

Now What If You Could Tailor ChatGPT to Your Writing Style Using Your Own Articles?

This next prompt was crafted by my writer, who has since ascended to the role of my sales funnel strategist (hit me up if you need someone to dissect your Customer Avatar or give your sales page/funnel a once-over).

I’m pretty sure he’s the mastermind behind it, but even if he’s not, all the credit goes to him for for at least using it, haha.

He actually leveraged different ChatGPT plugins to analyze past articles, ensuring that ChatGPT would mimic our writing style in new content.


(First prompt)

Analyze the articles below from my website [INSERT YOUR WEBSITE], and use them as references for my writing style and the tone that I’m using when writing an article. (understand and remember the content of these web pages)

These are the links for my articles:



(Second prompt)
Now please write a fresh, appealing, and informational article that will hook readers using the same tone and writing style as the articles that you analyzed.

Simplify the words, and use transitional phrases or words within your content to guide your readers through your content, making it easier to follow your train of thought.

I need you to add unique titles, NLP-friendly headings, a 4 Sentence introduction, and a 150-word conclusion paragraph when you write the article.

Here is my outline:

(H1) “Is anglingdoutlet.shop a scam? (insert here something to warn Fishing Enthusiast) <60 characters only> <do not use words like beware or caution)

Examples that you should use as a reference only: <Do not directly copy these examples!>

Is anglingdoutlet.shop a scam? (Fishing Enthusiast, Learn The Facts!)

Write a 4 Sentence introduction

– In the first sentence of the introduction, answer the query/keyword in a concise NLP-friendly 2-3 sentence “Is anglingdoutlet.shop a scam? Yes, anglingdoutlet.shop is a scam. They claim to be an “Angling Direct” store that sells outdoor fishing needs. provide an intriguing question.

(H2)(insert power word here, do not use the words “alarming” “undeniable” and “startling) Facts That Expose anglingdoutlet.shop as a scam

Write an appealing 2 sentence introduction for this section (make it unique, but still with the same writing tone and writing style from my previous articles that you have analyzed earlier)

1. anglingdoutlet.shop asserts to be an “Angling Direct store, they even use similar about us page content and store address, However, there is no proof that this is true. Not even on the official website of Angling Direct, anglingdirect.co.uk, a well-known brand for fishing needs acknowledge or announce something about anglingdoutlet.shop.

2. anglingdoutlet.shop didn’t provide any valid contact details such as contact number or email address. However, after I subscribed to their site, I received a welcome email from them using the email address email@flysservice.com, and in this message, they also said that if I have any questions, I can contact them through the email address tina@servicesyx.com.

After digging deeper, I discovered that the email address email@flysservice.com is linked to ad scams and scam sites. Here is the list of scam sites that I got from the records on scamwatcher.com:












While the email address is also linked to other dubious websites. Here is the list of scam sites that I got from the records on scamwatcher.com:















3. anglingdoutlet.shop has most of its products on discounts. from 64%-96% discount.

Write a 50-word ending for this subtopic. (make it unique, but still use the writing tone and style from my previous articles

In the conclusion answer this query “Is anglingdoutlet.shop a scam” in a concise NLP-friendly 2-4 sentence format (Explain it in a detailed way). then remind them to steer clear of this site. then provide a compelling ending.

Write the article entirely using the tone and writing style from the previous articles that you have analyzed. Make it appealing. Include the sources that I provided.

Do you understand?

Share Link: https://chat.openai.com/share/a2b19e9f-5f3b-491c-94e0-41058d4e5e17

How it was used: This prompt was a staple for our “don’t get scammed” website, guiding ChatGPT to write in a style similar to ours.

It’s split into two parts: the first provides ChatGPT with a couple of articles to analyze, ensuring it captures our writing essence. The second part lays out instructions for crafting the content and a detailed outline, all manually curated without AI intervention.

Highlights: If you’re working with ChatGPT (especially with plugins), consider turning some of your best articles into PDFs for upload. This gives ChatGPT a clearer picture of your writing style. Still, include all the necessary prompts to keep it on track, but you get the gist.

A (Very Simple) One-Liner Prompt to Fix Punctuation and Grammar Errors

Of course, I couldn’t wrap this up without sharing the quick-fix prompt I whipped up for my writers who just couldn’t get their grammar right, ya know?


Proofread the below for spelling and grammar, without changing the wording at all:

Share Link: https://chat.openai.com/share/22abbe84-2dec-4c7a-90cc-1ff9a1acfb24

How it was used: It’s pretty straightforward – just paste your text beneath the prompt, and ChatGPT will tidy it up. You might need to tweak the prompt a bit if you want to know exactly where the changes were made.

Highlights: I’m a fan of this prompt because it doesn’t alter the original wording. It keeps everything intact while avoiding those pesky words we all try to steer clear of. Definitely worth the extra step to give your content a grammar boost, in my opinion.

The Big Question Of The Day: Did Any of This Content Rank?

Ah, the million-dollar question!

Well, the answer is a bit of a mixed bag – yes and no.

Most of the content was doing pretty well in terms of rankings (both on Google and Pinterest). But here are three screenshots from Google Search Console for the three sites where we applied these prompts. Take a look and judge for yourself:

Site 1:

From the screenshot, it’s evident that our content was performing well until we encountered a Google algorithm update, a humbling experience indeed. Although it appears we’re still making slight gains in rankings, the progress is minimal.

Site 2:

This is our second site where we’ve poured a considerable amount of content, and surprisingly, it’s been thriving – we’re witnessing a significant uptick in Google rankings. The reason isn’t entirely clear, but it might be related to having the highest Domain Authority (DA) among our sites, though that’s just speculation.

Site 3:

Our final site experienced a notable surge in traffic (thanks to the utilization of the second prompt). The lack of competition in this niche made it relatively easy to rank quickly.

However, maintaining that position is crucial, as neglect can lead to a decline in traffic, as we’ve unfortunately learned. We had to scale back our investment in the site due to a less than satisfactory return, which contributed to the downturn in traffic.

So, What Are Your Thoughts?

There you have it – additional prompts that my team and I have leveraged to generate content for our websites.

I’m eager to hear your thoughts! Let me know what you think in the comments below.

If you haven’t checked out part one of my ChatGPT Prompts, then I highly encourage you to check it out (where I show how we use certain prompts to generate us over $5K in 4 months).

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SouthTech Creations

At SouthTech Creations, we streamline your entry into the digital marketing realm with a clear and collaborative process. It's a journey we take together, with your growth as our guiding star.


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