How To Use ChatGPT To Collect Emails From Your Facebook Group (2024 And Beyond)

As someone who runs a few large Facebook groups, one of my biggest challenges has been collecting emails from new members. I’m sure you’ve encountered the same issue—Facebook provides a lot of useful member request questions, but manually gathering hundreds of emails each day can quickly become overwhelming. That’s why I turned to AI, specifically … Read more

Lead Magnet vs Lead Generation (And Why They’re Not As Different As You May Think)

If you want to have a successful business venture, you’re going to have to invest some (read: a lot of) time generating leads for a shot at gaining traffic. It’s a competitive market out there, and with so many other companies growing alongside you, you need that competitive edge to create a name for yourself … Read more

SouthTech Creations

At SouthTech Creations, we streamline your entry into the digital marketing realm with a clear and collaborative process. It's a journey we take together, with your growth as our guiding star.


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